Life Goals – Turning Your Dreams Into an Exceptional Life and Legacy (Part IV)

by Rob Leachman from the “Leading a Goal-Driven Life” Series -Part IV- “I don’t want to do a vision board,” I said to myself as I heard the assignment, my mind wandering to collages and other artsy projects I considered rather inane. My wife, Bev, and I were in the last weeks of a “prosperity” … Read more

Using Yearly Goals to Live the Life You Desire – (Part III)

by Rob Leachman From the “Leading a Goal-Driven Life” Series -Part III- While I find their philosophy of life fascinating, and though there are occasions when such an approach seems less stressful and attractive, I have never understood the carefree approach to their future that some seem to follow. These good, adventurous folks seem to … Read more

The Power of Daily Goal-Setting – (Part II)

by Rob Leachman From the “Leading a Goal-Driven Life” Series -Part II- Have you ever experienced a time when you worked hard all day, pushed frantically from start to finish, and ended the day exhausted, but upon reflection realized you didn’t really accomplish much of importance for your efforts? There were times early in my … Read more

What is a Goal-Driven Life? – (Part I)

by Rob Leachman From the “Leading a Goal-Driven Life” Series –Part I– Years ago, a colleague was describing his affinity for carefree, direction-free, and largely destination-free travel. As this highly educated and otherwise very organized individual explained, he and his wife enjoyed simply hopping in their vehicle and driving, stopping to take in whatever sights … Read more

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