Rob Leachman

Author, Educator, and Occasional Adventurer

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One Ride At A Time

Life Lessons Learned on a Cross-Country Bicycle Ride

At an age when most people are slowing down, Rob Leachman set off on the adventure of a lifetime. In 2017, Rob and his wife had just turned sixty years old and were recreational cyclists at best. But they refused to let their age prevent them from pursuing their goals and dreams. Instead, they embarked from San Diego on a 3,000-mile bicycle tour across the southern United States, hoping to reach the Atlantic Ocean forty-six days later.

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“Leachman crafts an uplifting chronicle of his experience on a cross-country biking trip . . . a candid, relatable perspective that will appeal to readers. . . While the story is a personal one, readers may be similarly inspired to embark on an ambitious excursion.”

—The Booklife Prize

“Travel memoir enthusiasts will likely find satisfaction in this account of an unusual cycling experience.”

—Kirkus Reviews

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